Hopefully this page can assist you with any questions you have about the technology at ILC.

LOG-IN instructions:

to log-on to any of our computers you will need your student number and a password
If you do not have a log-in, please see Janine at Saanichton and Shelley at Broadmead

Your log-in is the same for all schools.

If you are logging in for the first time.
It will ask you for your user name:

Students: this will be your student number  (if you are new to the school district your password will be your student number)  it will ask you to reset after.
YOUR PASSWORD:  must contain a number a symbol and atleast 6 letters
eg:  2@saveit
Please ask Janine  or Shelley to reset password if needed

LAPTOPS:    Sign in to the laptops the same username and password.  Save all your work to HOME on SERVER (not HOME FOLDER).    (you must be logged in to the STAFF WIFI in order to connect to the server.  

CHROMEBOOKS:  Sign in with same user and password - you can not save your work to a chromebook.  You will need a google account for these. 

Saanichton Campus:  ILC Classroom (located in office area)
Broadmead: printer

SOFTWARE LINKS:  Click here to the SD63 page  for more info on software
SD63 uses Linux Operating System and Open Source Software. 
So it is all free and available to download online.
List below of software available for FREE download:  (most works with MAC and Windows)

:  online.www.libreoffice.ca    (very similar to Word) (but FREE)
Silimar to Office - has comparable write / spreadsheet and "Power Point" type applications

Graphic Design Software

Vector Graphic Software - INKSCAPE  (similar to Coreldraw) (FREE)

Click here to link to download site

Google Account

Google G Suite has lots of options for applications.  Please see GSuite Page for more info.

All students are given a gmail account at the start of the year.  This needs to be renewed every year.  If you have not signed a permission sheet, please check with your TA.

Last modified: Tuesday, 20 November 2018, 11:27 AM